Holiday Services & Other Events
B'nai Or Shabbat Services will be held twice monthly, generally one Friday Kabbalat Service, which begins at 7 PM, and one Shabbat Morning Service, which begins at 10 AM.
In addition, "Pop-up Shabbats" (short, Friday night services), Havdalah gatherings, and weather permitting, Shabbat in Nature Services are frequently scheduled.
The majority of our services are multi-accessible (ZOOM and in-person).
First Parish in Waltham
50 Church Street
Waltham, MA
To access the ZOOM Link to Services, go HERE.​
Meeting ID: 896 971 1640
Passcode: 031942
Check out our Calendar for more details.
Shabbat Services
Saturday, December 21 - 10:00 AM. Shabbat Morning Service led by B'nai Or's Spiritual Leader, Ariel Henderman. Location: First Parish in Waltham. Vegetarian potluck lunch following morning service. Any questions, please contact B'nai Or's Admin at
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, March 1, 2025. Havdalah & Malaveh Malkah hosted by Marilyn and David Stern at their home in Jamaica Plain. Watch for details!