B'nai Or of Boston is a community of approximately 85 families who come together to celebrate Judaism and one another. We are a "spirited" and "spiritual" community integrating both the traditional and "renewed" into every aspect of our prayer, music, movement, and meditation. Attend one of our SERVICES (in-person or virtually) and experience what is unique about our community. EVERYONE is WELCOME!
Current Members - Membership Renewal
We are so pleased that you have decided to continue your relationship with the B'nai Or Community by renewing your annual membership. In order to process your membership renewal, please complete, and submit, the form found below.
Looking for a NEW "Spiritual Home?"
We invite you to consider joining the B'nai Or Community. As a member of B'nai Or, you will receive:
An invitation to our High Holy Days Services
Membership with ALEPH (Alliance for Jewish Renewal)
Our weekly e-newsletter
Discounted tickets to B'nai Or or Aleph-sponsored events
Discounted fees for Annual Community Retreat attendance

B'nai Or Members at ALEPH Kallah