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Events and Classes

Hikebodedut Club

The Hikebodedut Club meets on Sunday mornings at a local trailhead. We learn a little bit of Jewish wisdom, exploring the traditional meditative practice of “hitbodedut” to frame our hike, and then explore the trail together. 

Popularized by the 18th-19th century mystic Reb Nachman of Breslov, hitbodedut traditionally refers to secluding oneself in nature to speak out loud to the Divine. Our club requires neither experience nor beliefs— just a willingness to connect to yourself, nature, and each other!


All details (location, hike difficulty, etc.) will be sent out via our Whatsapp group. To register for that, please email

Hikes will resume in the Spring of 2025. Stay tuned!

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Chavayah Kids

This is the “Hebrew school” I wish I went to when I was growing up!

🌻 🧵 🪕All sessions are two hours and include earth-based experiential learning, plus crafts and music. 

🌿 Not only how to shake lulav and etrog - how they grow and what the harvest time meant to our ancestors.

🌝 All things Levanah - the moon in our tradition, how and why she’s important and rituals of blessing to honor her.

🕎 A meaningful Chanukkah celebration - crafting from recycled materials, dreidel dancing, being a light in the world.

🌀 Composting as spiritual practice - what blessings we can say and how we can connect to our own transformation.

And so much more!!


🌎 For more details, send Reb Ariel a message


To register for the Chavayah Kids program, go HERE

Time to Register

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Mark your Calendar and plan now to join the B'nai Or of Boston Community on Cape Cod next Spring 2025!

Special Guest Leaders will be Rabbi Jill Hammar and Shoshana Jedwab. 

To learn more about Rabbi Jill and Shoshana, go HERE.

To REGISTER for Retreat 2025, click HERE.

Buried Treasure Class Poster (updated) (

There is a teaching that each of us is a letter in the Torah. Our lives, our stories, and our questions are the scroll unfolding. This is not happening in some distant time and place; these are archetypal energies that are present right here & now.

This free, bi-monthly class will be a mix of study & practice - we’ll open with an original chant from the parshah and explore our sacred text through the lenses of dreamwork, mindfulness & mythology. This is a series, but each session stands on its own. Join for one, some, or all. Sessions will be recorded. 


Dates: Tuesdays, 7-8:00 pm

2/11, 2/18, 3/4, 3/18, 4/1, 4/29, 5/6, 5/20

Classes are FREE, but registration is REQUIRED for ZOOM link.

To Register, please GO HERE.


This is a donation-based offering. To support this program,

please donate to B'nai Or HERE.


The Buried Treasure series is co-sponsored by

ALEPH Alliance for Jewish Renewal.

Buried Treasure:

Torah as Sacred Mythology

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