Our Staff

Spiritual Leader
Ariel Hendelman
Ariel sees spiritual practice as a return to Hamakom -- the Divine name that means The Place, which Yaakov received upon waking from his dream of the ladder. Every moment is "the place" where Infinite and finite meet. Ariel's leadership is an overflow of her personal practice, resting on meditation, chant, hitbodedut, and surrendering to the Mystery.
Ariel lived in Jerusalem for seven years, where she immersed in Torah and reclaimed her place on the Jewish spiritual path. Ariel is the co-founder of Shabbat Shelach, a grassroots LGBTQ+ initiative to build community around the Shabbat table (hosting the largest, post-Jerusalem Pride Shabbat meal ever). Ariel's writing can be found in the Jerusalem Post, Ayin Press and Double Blind Magazine, and she co-leads a monthly Rosh Chodesh circle for Or HaLev. Her debut album, Prayers for Fire & Water, is out now.
Ariel is a Rabbinic student with the Aleph Ordination Program (smicha in January 2026) and calls Newton, MA home.

Deborah (Debbie) Clain
Debbie has spent her professional career working in non-profit organizations.
She grew up in Zimbabwe where she attended a Jewish elementary school and was bat mitzvahed. She was also very active in the Jewish youth group, Habonim.
Later, in the Boston area, Debbie became very involved with Hadassah and the community and Social Action committee in her former shul.
Debbie has a love of the outdoors. Her spiritual connection is through nature and Tikun Olam. She also has a love of art and is a pastel artist.
Debbie is delighted to join the B’nai Or team.
Rabbi Emiritus
Rabbi Suri Krieger
For eight years, Rabbi Suri served as rabbi and spiritual director of B’nai Or, Jewish Renewal of Boston. Having studied with Reb Zalman Schachter, (he PhD supervisor at Temple University) Jewish Renewal has long been her spiritual home. While AJR (the pluralistic Rabbinic Academy where she was ordained in 2008) gave her the tools to forge my Rabbinic career, music and Renewal kavanot have always been her spiritual grounding. Previous to B’nai Or, Rabbi Suri taught at Sacred Heart University for eight years, where she was the rabbi on a Catholic Campus, enabling her to be directly involved in Interfaith Dialogue. She considers it is a blessing to be able to continue teaching, singing, and studying yahadut, even as she navigates these retirement years.